Introducing Baby Pink!
Today on the blog I have been ably accompanied by my new blog assistant (or more accurately described as a “blog-blocker”). She’s read two books today (can’t start them early enough in my opinion) and wanted to add her pearls of wisdom! Sadly she can’t write yet so will leave her blog posts until she’s a tad older!
I spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday creating a blog account on Goodreads and it took me so long because I realised just what a book nerd I was! It took me well over two hours to sift through the “read” (and rate them) and the “TBR” piles! I’m sure I’ve made a tiny dent in the actual amount of books I’ve read and/or downloaded but the 196 books I’ve sifted through and marked on Goodreads is a contrast to the 720+ books on my Kindle…… 🙂
Today has seen a massive flood of Goodreads friend request acceptances too! And many from my Author idols too! I will admit to having a bit of a fan moment earlier! I’ve never taken much notice of Goodreads after several high profile mass complaints about the way they allow pre release ratings and also how they allegedly harbour cyber bullies! Don’t worry I am not going to go into some extended diatribe about the right and wrongs of Goodreads or its ethics but will say a couple of things. It is simply a fantastic online (therefore generally accessible from almost anywhere) base for creating your reading lists and also managing your last or next reads. And I have also found it is a one stop shop for reading synopses and linking to other authors work. And the nerd in me also likes that it is interactive with Facebook!
Like I have discussed with several authors in the past (all Indie authors I would add) I personally rarely read a book based on a review status nor based on a star rating on internet sites. I have read what I class as being some of the most amazing books which have seemingly received slating reviews on internet sites. Each to their own I say and what suits one reader certainly doesn’t suit everyone but isn’t that a reflection of life in general?
I will read a book based on whether the genre or synopsis jumps at me off the page. I will also read a book on recommendation but will generally still look at the synopsis first! If you are hooked by the words on the back of the book (ok I know this doesn’t really apply to kindle books but you get my drift) then generally the book will get you too! Rarely have I chosen a book based on its synopsis and been disappointed!
I will leave the discussion of reviews and whether or not I judge books solely by their covers to another post as I could go on forever!
Ciao for now.